As the focal point for the social involvement of MCB Group, MCB Forward Foundation aims at creating sustainable value for the social, environmental and economic well-being of the community through the provision of human, logistical and financial resources to earmarked initiatives on behalf of the Group alongside developing strategic partnerships with committed stakeholders. The mainstays of our value proposition are listed below.

Strategic Partnership

MCB Group supports MCB Forward Foundation’s efforts to work in close collaboration with its stakeholders, namely non-profit organisations, non-government organisations (NGOs), Government towards improving the condition of beneficiaries. In so doing, MCB Forward Foundation enables project owners to enhance the sustainability and the effectiveness of their action by allowing them to tap into the logistic, human, knowledge and financial resources of the Foundation.

Point of convergence

Owing to its strategic positioning between NGOs, non-profit organisations and decision-makers, MCB Forward Foundation can facilitate the interaction of project owners with relevant stakeholder groups and help interests converge towards socially beneficial outcomes.

Empowerment of beneficiaries

MCB Forward Foundation believes in empowering beneficiaries towards full autonomy through:

  • Formal training and capacity building for enhanced professionalism
  • A phased approach to project implementation leading to economic independence
  • Technical assistance alongside financial support
  • Reporting and monitoring mechanisms to foster accountability and ownership

Staff Involvement

Embedding a “volunteer” and “socially responsible” culture among MCB staff is important to MCB Forward Foundation. Emphasis is placed on developing systematic processes to construct and consolidate workforce citizenship.

Conformance with national and international best practices

MCB Forward Foundation adheres to national and international standards to ensure that it efficiently responds to the demanding challenges of modern society.

Our Philosophy


Don't hesitate to contact us for additional info

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